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  • Writer's pictureRon Miel Santos

First Week High!

Updated: Sep 30, 2018

We had a tour to Perguruan Islam Al Amjad's , faculty rooms, classrooms, science labs with howcase of their irrigation projects. Al - amjad built in 2010, inagurated in 2016. Both genders are only combined to extra curricular activities Canteen, comp lab, tour with the wudhu and musholah (place for praying), meeting the supervising teachers here, distribution of teaching load and lesson plans.

After school, proceeded to the library to finish the lesson plans and had dinner with a street food (ayam geprek - fried chicken)

Continuation of lesson plan, bought some snacks in indomaret, bought food at the cafteria had some (pisang coklat - chocolate banana) with taste good as the banana que of the philippines. Started to create a draft of the blog. Eated lunch called nila pedas manis (sweet and sour fish). 3:10pm we are introduced to some class

"Selemat siang, nama saya Ron Santos. Saya juga akan mengajar matematika"

We got a picture with one of the class of ms triin.

At 3:30pm we went off the school and go back to UMSU the girls went to their dormitory and arvin and I stayed at the library to do a draft of the blog.

At 7pm, i received a message from the coordinator that there will be changes in the teaching schedule. We will be teaching the next day. Stayed up all night to create the teaching materials with my colleagues.

Teaching day starts at 7:30am. we are now at UMSU to go to Al - Amjad for our first day of teaching. Triin is the first one to go to her class. My class starts at 11:05am for grade 8 - 4. I am still preparing, going through my presentation in the faculty and also with the activities to be done inside the class. At last the time come, i am to teach the posisi kartesius koordinat. Made some classroom agreements, thumbs up if they still get what i am teaching. As I teach, section 4 (girls) has a nice learning environment. They can easily be entertained, and to communicate with as we finished the lesson in the given period. After lunch, I am to teach grade 8 - 3(boys) after lunch. The boys environment is very quiet, they don't usually talk to each other, like the class is empty but as when i went trough with the topic with some translations, the boys are more the average to fast learners same as the girls. We are almost able to finish the topic but due to time constraint, we just finished one activity. I have an opportunity to have a picture of my classes to be in a month.

Scout day!

We got up and be prepared before 7am and left the university at around 7:10. As we arrived at Al - Amjad, we are immediately accompanied to the faculty room and went down to the school ground to join the students in their aerobics and activities. At around 12nn, we are to meet and converse with the regular teachers of the school, converse some talks with some places to visit her in medan. Some translation of Filipino words to Bahasa. After that, i stayed in the faculty doing my reflective journals and powerpoint presentation for the next topic until 3:30pm. We head back to the dormitory and have our clothes brought to the laundry. We went to medan mall to go window shopping, ate dinner, and spend quality time with my colleagues

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